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A Negro Former Marine has been Arrested for Planning an Anti-White Race Massacre

  1. #1
    Quence Houston
    Cobb is pictured here with an Airsoft team, a hobby he expressed interest in on the internet message board, Airsoft Society

    Trenton, New Jersey – A Black USMC veteran has been arrested after federal prosecutors asserted he was planning a racially motivated mass shooting against White people. The individual stated he wanted to “cause mayhem on the White community” and said as a Black male, he wanted to “erase” as many as he could.

    According to reports, the suspect, identified as 23-year-old former US Marine Joshua Cobb, of Hamilton, was a frequent user of the gore video website “Watch People Die” under the moniker “1dayUsuffer.”

    Federal authorities announced that they had arrested Cobb on Friday after an investigation determined he had allegedly planned two shooting sprees to specifically target innocent White people in the state of New Jersey. Attack sites included a Jersey Strong gym and an Aldi grocery store in nearby Robbinsville. Online, Cobb had stated he had “access to guns and the will to kill a lot of people,” prosecutors said.

    In March of last year, the Black armed forces veteran stated on social media that he “fantasized” about the adrenaline rush he’d feel during a racially motivated slaughter, saying, “I’d probably OD on my own adrenaline after the 10th body goes down.”

    “I want to cause mayhem on the White community. The reason I specifically want to target white people is because, as a black male, they will NEVER understand my struggles,” Cobb posted to social media in December of 2022. “Same way I will never understand their struggles, but I don’t care to. I want to erase them. All of them really, but in this case as many as I possibly can.”

    For planning an anti-White race massacre and engaging in race-based intimidation, Cobb has been charged with just one count of transmitting a threat in interstate and foreign commerce. He currently sits in custody at the Monmouth County jail. At an initial court appearance on Monday, a judge ruled that he be detained until his next hearing on Friday, reports say.

    If convicted, Cobb faces a meager sentence of up to five years in federal prison and a $250,000 fine.

    more at the link:
  2. #2
    Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    That's an easy case for a lawyer to win
  3. #3
    ner vegas African Astronaut
    it's only a hate crime if you paint the swastika on your own house
  4. #4
    Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Originally posted by ner vegas it's only a hate crime if you paint the swastika on your own house

    Or on your bare chest as you mow down your enemies.
  5. #5
    Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    I always laugh when mass media reports on a crime involving a NIGGER, they purposefully point out that he/she is black.

    "The BLACK MALE, aged 23..."

    "The BLACK female, aged..."

    But when reporting on crimes committed by whites, they never say the same thing. You never hear:

    "The WHITE MALE, aged 23..."

    I've been pretty convinced for a long time that mass media is trying to fan the flames of racial prejudice and hatred on behalf of white people by making sure to always report on the RACE of the offender if they are non-white.

    This will help paint the picture that non-whites are violent beasts and you should be cautious around them.

    This, of course, will cause the non-white communities to resent white people more and more for constantly viewing ALL OF THEM as a barbaric, uncivilized race and will lead to a few of them planning mass shooting against whites like this nigger here.

    These sorts of black on white mass crime will further fuel the viewpoint that all non-whites are barbarians and full of hatred and violence towards white which brings it around full circle and starts all over again.

    Really tickles my pickle.

    For what it's worth, they ARE a barbaric, violent species that should have a visit by some modern equivalent of the Einsatzgruppen

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